Posted by: reformbama | November 29, 2011

Get Reformed In Back On FaceBook Petition

If I get 150 plus comments, from different people, on here I may reactivate my FaceBook.

Could be that I may be doing this just to generate blog hits.


  1. Your wife thinks you should reinstate your Facebook 🙂

  2. I just learned about your blog this week and I would definitely like to read more. Facebook would be a welcome addition.

  3. Get yourself back on facebook! We need more doctrinally reformed folks sharing their theological wisdom in social media!

  4. I miss you on fb!

  5. Time to return to Facebook!

  6. Please return to FB Mark!!!!

  7. friend me….please.

  8. Get back on Facebook, Mr. Todhunter!

  9. Please get back on Facebook!

  10. My Mom misses you on Facebook!

  11. Get back on and make FB interesting again!

  12. Take dominion of social networking for the Kingdom… please reactivate your Facebook account. 🙂

  13. It’s WAY more interesting on FB with you there 🙂

  14. get back on FB

  15. Mark, I have not responded to your posts, but have certainly enjoyed reading them. You have been encouraging and informative. We miss you. Please come back.

  16. We need to talk Mr. I would do it over FB, but someone got the bright idea to delete your account. I heard that MP had a big event last night at Bartow after hearing that your accounts are going down…

  17. Back on FB!!

  18. I think you need to get back on facebook where your voice is needed and desired!

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